Monday, September 30, 2013

My "New" Planner and Planning Things.

I've used this Daytimer for approimately a year now, however It wasn't really working with the inserts it had. So I started doing what I could trying to figure out what worked for me. I THINK I have finally found what works best for me.

My Situation:
I am a full time college student, who lives with her fiancee. He works and earns the money, while I do almost everything else! I pay bills, organize things, clean, make the weekly meal plans, AND do homework.
How I've accomplished a planner with everything I need in it!

Here is Daytimer. Of course she's Pink!
Typically I keep my daily flash cards (a picture further down) in one of the card slots. Behind that in the pocket, I keep random receipts in. Then there's the pen case it came with. Here I keep important recceipts of things we may end up taking back. Right now it includes the receipt from our fan we bought, and the blinds we purchased from menards.
These are my notecards. All I do is write an overview of the assignments, written and reading, of the day. This covers 2 weeks of classes for me, color coded of course!
Next we have my Dashboard. This page I made specifically to hold my post-its. The top is currently a list of things I need to get ASAP, as we are moving in a month. The bottom is the transfer confirmation number my bank gave me.
Next we have my color code key. I mostly remember this, but it's to refer back to in case my mind is fried!
Next we have my To Do section. (I didn't write on the tabs in case I wanted to change them later. I used Washi instead.)
Here I write, by day, the things I need to complete. My To Do's are usually ONLY school related. If I need to make a list for other things, it's usually just notebook paper.
Next Section is School. I copied my course calendar's assignments onto a document that was formatted this way, and printed them to fit in my book. Then lined the edge with washi to make sure the page lasts for an entire semester without being ripped out.
Then I have Budgeting. I haven't filled this out, because I don't feel it's everyone's business to know our expenses. Hehe. :)
NOW we have my Planner Section! I currently have a hole punched planner which I tore apart and placed in here in order to get Everything into ONE place instead of spread throughout the house.
Here is my monthly page. I try to mark the days off as they pass, although it doesn't always work. I write major assignments on their due date, then highlight them in the color they belong in. The wash tape indicated the window I have open to take a math test, as we have approximately a 6 day window open to take the tests. I also have my bills due written on here and highlighted yellow. As I complete assignments, I mark them off and place a check next to them. The numbers at the right indicate the number of week it is. Each semester we have 16 weeks of class, plus finals week, and this helps me organize my notes for classes.
The current week. I use the post it arrows at the top to indicate I have homework due this week (Color Coded) then I use the pink arrows at the sides to indicate a quiz. I write all my reading homework and other assignments here as well. As I complete the assignments and quizzes, I move the arrow so it's OVER the corresponding task, and write in permanent marker done with a check.
I found this magnetic planner pad at Dollar Tree. and my first thought was PERFECT for meal planning! So I write, in black, the meal we want to have. Then below that, I write, using Orange for Aldi, and blue for Walmart, the items needed for each meal.
Then I use this bad boy and split the groceries into 2 lists. Walmart, and Aldi.
This isn't IN my planner, but goes along with it. The list to the side is major school things, such as breaks, and assignments due. The arrows point to the due date of our bills. I found I needed this because Fiancee is always asking what bills come out this week, and This way, he doesn't ned to ask!

Thursday, August 1, 2013

My Religion

I was raised in a Christian home, however my mother never had a scheduled time to read the bible, or spend time together, let alone go to church. She always had an excuse, usually regarding my father. She grew up in a church, but my sister and I did not have that opportunity.

In my opinion, you don't have to go to church weekly to be a good Christian, but I do feel bad when it comes to calling myself a Christian because I honestly don't know that many verses, let alone knowing a lot of the stories. What I do know comes from reading children's books, and spending my summers attending Vacation Bible School, or the teen program the church had called TNT (Tuesday Nights for Teens).

That being said, I am going to start reading my bible. I'm going to use a planning list, where I read different sections each day, but am reading it in order, starting with what happened first.

I'm going to do my best to post a weekly bible post about the things my readings have taught me each week.

If you're reading this, please pray for me in my journey to truly understanding the gospel in which I was taught was the truth while growing up.

Thursday, July 25, 2013

Throwback Thursday/ Travel Tuesday

This photo is of Myself. Taken in May 2011, I was on a study abroad trip to Greece. This was taken at the top of Acropolis in Athens. The structure next to my shoulder is the Temple of Zeus.

Sunday, July 21, 2013

Travel photos!

So Tuesday was Travel day, so here are the photos from our travel trip Wednesday. Keep in mind, we live in Indiana, and these photos were taken IN Indiana!

(These are photos from Brown County State Park. All photos were taken by myself, on my iPhone 4s)

Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Travel Tuesday

I wanna do a travel photo /week thing, however, I am putting this post off until tomorrow, as it's our Anniversary, and we have plans to do a little travelling. So photos tomorrow or thursday!

Monday, July 15, 2013

Music Monday

So another daily series post I'm going to do is Music Monday.
And what kind of person would I be without using the first post to explain where my music comes from?


First of all, I get my music from various means. iTunes, Amazon, and cd's we have purchased. But in the end my music always ends in my iTunes library.

I find music I want using several different means.

  1. listening to the radio, and making a list
  2. using xfinity on demand, and making a list
  3. the top 100 lists online
  4. iTunes Genius
  5. Spotify
If I have not purchased the song, Spotify (Google spotify, it won't give me a general link, as I am using a MacBook) has most songs available for streaming the day they are released to the public! It is a free application available for download. You search an artist name, and it gives you albus and songs byt eh artist. You can listen to things on demand for free from a computer, or for a minimal fee, you can listen to them on a mobile device. (Streaming radio is always free, even on mobile device).

iTunes Genius uploads my current itunes library, and matches the songs to other songs I curently do not have, but might like.

Enjoy your monday!

Thursday, July 11, 2013

Throwback Thursday

One of the daily posts I am going to start is Throwback Thursday.  Now I know EVERYONE out there does this already, but it's common, and I don't know about everyone else, But I enjoy seeing all the throwback photos!

Today's photo is from July 2011. I'm not sure the exact date, I THINK it is July 17, but it could be the 18th as well. This is the first picture ever taken of Chris and myself. Our Friend, Justin, the man who introduced us, took it with a cell phone, so it's not very good. but still a throwback!

Below is a better photo of us taken a week or two after the above one.

Enjoy this Terrific Thursday!

Wednesday, July 10, 2013

About myself, and BOTY

Naturally, I am not a blonde. However my personality, and clumsy-ness seemed to miss that memo!

I am currently a 22 year old college student. I live with my fiancé and our dog, Dyno. (I'll make each of them their individual post later on!)

I chose to name this Blonde of the Year, because, I am a complete ditz. I am constantly doing/saying things that are stereotypical to being blonde, which I dye my hair to match my personality!

This blog is going to go towards anything and everything I can think of to post. Including a day to day post, which I will do each and every day.

I will also post college related things, as well as home related things, since Fiancé and I rent an apartment, and will be moving in November to a different apartment complex, because this one has done nothing but screw us!

But, for now that's all! Hope you enjoy my daily posts and such! And never feel hesitant to give me your honest opinion about anything I post!